North Yorkshire Council


Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee


30 May 2024


Harrogate (South and West) 20mph Speed Limit Updates


Report of the Corporate Director – Environment




1.1       The purpose of this report is to update Members on the status of the proposed 20mph speed limits in Harrogate (South and West) following the 20mph speed limit review.



2.0       BACKGROUND


2.1       Approval was obtained on 18 December 2023 from the Corporate Director for Environment in consultation with the Executive Member for Highways to progress with the project following the review of the petition received June 2023 requesting a maximum speed of 20mph on a number of roads in the South and West of Harrogate.


2.2       This is following on from the previous report presented to Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee on 14 September 2023, reporting on the review of the petition outlined above.




3.1       Speed surveys utilising automatic traffic counters have been deployed between January and April for locations that did not have current data relating to vehicle speeds to inform design considerations to try and ensure speeds are self-enforcing.


3.2       Analysis is ongoing on current speed data from various sources, including the newly collected data from the last few months and drawings are being developed for schemes requiring traffic calming as well as drawings in preparation for necessary consultations and advertisements associated with any of the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)




4.1       The table below outlines the activities that will be carried out over the next few months in relation to this project.


May 2024

Full speed survey assessment to identify further engineering requirements and draft design finalisation

Engage with Traffic Engineering and North Yorkshire Police on proposals to gain informal view before formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)

Preparation of draft TRO(s) and notice of proposals for traffic calming in addition to preparation of consultation material

Late May - Pre-advertising TRO consultation with Key stakeholders such as emergency services, Local Members in affected Divisions (two week duration)



June 2024        

 A public engagement exercise will be carried out with residents on directly affected streets to seek views/comments on proposals. This will run for three weeks from early June

Late June – assess initial comments / designs. If broad support for measures, we will request Legal advertise TRO(s) and traffic calming proposals.


July 2024

TRO(s) to be advertised early July 2024 for a three week duration.

If no objections are received TRO(s) will be sealed and works can commence after this date.

If objections are received, and the TRO covers multiple wards, a report seeking the comments of the Area Constituency Committee will be required due to it being a wide area impact TRO effecting different Member Divisions. This will then feed into a decision making report to the Corporate Director, Environment and the Executive Member, Highways and Transportation outlining the objections to the proposals. There will be a consequent increase in the timescale for delivery if there are objections received.




5.1       Officers as part of their assessment into the request made from the petition in June 2023 considered all roads within the shaded areas for the suitability of a 20mph speed restriction, which is illustrated on the plan included in Appendix A. All roads within the study areas were considered using the same methodology and criteria in line with the relevant policies and guidance outlined in the report to Environment Executive Members on 18 December 2023 which is included in Appendix B.




6.1       Funding for road safety and improvements works is already considered as part the highways teams annual Capital programme. The cost implications of the proposals set out in this report recommendation will therefore be met from existing budgets.


6.2       It should however be noted that the Beech Grove which was included in the petition area for Oatlands will form part of a zone including Cold Bath Road and surrounding residential streets which will, subject to consultation on the TROs, be funded through the Otley Road Sustainable Transport Package (National Productivity Investment Fund). Arthurs Avenue will also be funded from the National Productivity Investment Fund, subject to consultation on the TROs and the estimated cost for the delivery of traffic calming and 20mph at these two locations is £175k. Pannal Ash Road and Green Lane are to be included in the 24/25 Capital programme resurfacing package, designs (subject to consultation) will include the introduction of the traffic calming.


6.3       The attached summary table outlines the funding sources in more detail.



Estimated Cost

Funding Source

Cold Bath Road and surrounding Streets (including Beech Grove


National Productivity Investment Fund

Arthurs Avenue and surrounding streets


National Productivity Investment Fund

Green Lane


Included in the 24/25 Capital Programme for resurfacing and associated traffic calming elements subject to consultation

Pannal Ash Road


Included in the 24/25 Capital Programme for resurfacing and associated traffic calming elements subject to consultation

All remaining streets


Local Transport Plan Allocation




7.1       In making these proposals the Council has given proper consideration to its statutory duty pursuant to Section 122 the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. It is acknowledged that the establishment of any 20mph speed limit or zone will be subject to the appropriate statutory legal process for the making of Traffic Regulation Orders for speed limits and traffic calming measures and also having regard to the Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999. Proper regard will be had to any objections which result from the TRO process.




8.1       Consideration has been given to the potential for any adverse equalities impact arising from the recommendations of this report. It is the view of officers that the recommendations included in this report do not have any adverse impacts on any of the protected characteristics identified in the Equalities Act 2010 or NYC’s additional agreed characteristics. The completed Equalities Impact Assessment screening form can be found in Appendix C.


8.2       All proposals for a reduced speed limit and where required traffic calming will be subject to a full consultation exercise providing the opportunity for stakeholders to make representations on the proposal.




9.1       Consideration has been given to the potential for any adverse impacts on climate change arising from the recommendations of this report. A climate change assessment has been completed and included as Appendix D to this report. It is the view of officers that the recommendations included in this report do not have any adverse impacts on Climate change.




10.1     To provide updates to Members of the Area Constituency Committee on progress made on proposals for 20mph speed restrictions since the previous presentation on 14 September 2023.






That Members consider this update and note its content.




Appendix A – The 20mph Review Area

Appendix B – Environment Executive Members Report 18 December 2023 for Harrogate (South and West) 20mph Speed Limit Review

Appendix C - Equalities Impact Assessment Screening Form

Appendix D - Climate Change Assessment





Karl Battersby

Corporate Director – Environment

County Hall


9 May 2024


Report Author – Heather Yendall – Improvement Manager

Presenter of Report – Heather Yendall – Improvement Manager



Appendix B to be inserted

Initial equality impact assessment screening form


This form records an equality screening process to determine the relevance of equality to a proposal, and a decision whether or not a full EIA would be appropriate or proportionate.



Environment Services

Service area

Highways and Transportation

Proposal being screened

Harrogate (South and West) 20mph Speed Limit Review



Officer(s) carrying out screening

Heather Yendall

What are you proposing to do?

The purpose of this report is to update members of the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee on the progress made and outline timescales for the proposed implementation of 20mph speed restrictions in Harrogate following approval of the project from the Director of Environment and Executive Member for Highways and Transportation on 18th December 2023.


Why are you proposing this? What are the desired outcomes?

The report is updating on the process and timescales for implementing associated Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to implement 20mph speeds on the residential roads as outlined in Appendix A of this report.

Does the proposal involve a significant commitment or removal of resources? Please give details.




Impact on people with any of the following protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010, or NYCC’s additional agreed characteristics

As part of this assessment, please consider the following questions:

·       To what extent is this service used by particular groups of people with protected characteristics?

·       Does the proposal relate to functions that previous consultation has identified as important?

·       Do different groups have different needs or experiences in the area the proposal relates to?


If for any characteristic it is considered that there is likely to be an adverse impact or you have ticked ‘Don’t know/no info available’, then a full EIA should be carried out where this is proportionate. You are advised to speak to your Equality rep for advice if you are in any doubt.


Protected characteristic

Potential for adverse impact

Don’t know/No info available



















Sexual orientation




Gender reassignment




Religion or belief




Pregnancy or maternity




Marriage or civil partnership




NYCC additional characteristics

People in rural areas




People on a low income




Carer (unpaid family or friend)




Members of the armed forces community




Does the proposal relate to an area where there are known inequalities/probable impacts (e.g. disabled people’s access to public transport)? Please give details.


N/A Whilst the report recommends proposed speed reduction and the implementation of traffic calming in a number of residential areas it should be noted that a consultation with stakeholders, residents and business within the vicinity of any proposals will take place before any final implementation.

Will the proposal have a significant effect on how other organisations operate? (e.g. partners, funding criteria, etc.). Do any of these organisations support people with protected characteristics? Please explain why you have reached this conclusion.



Decision (Please tick one option)

EIA not relevant or proportionate:


Continue to full EIA:


Reason for decision


The proposal at some locations will require the implementation of traffic calming features. It should be recognised that detailed consultations with stakeholders, residents and businesses within the vicinity of the proposals will be consulted before works are implemented.


Any reduction in the speed limits in locations should they go ahead should make the roads safer for all members of the public including those with protected characteristics such as mobility issues.



Signed (Assistant Director or equivalent)

Barrie Mason



20 May 2024


Climate change impact assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                          


The purpose of this assessment is to help us understand the likely impacts of our decisions on the environment of North Yorkshire and on our aspiration to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2030, or as close to that date as possible. The intention is to mitigate negative effects and identify projects which will have positive effects.


This document should be completed in consultation with the supporting guidance. The final document will be published as part of the decision making process and should be written in Plain English.


If you have any additional queries which are not covered by the guidance please email 

Please note: You may not need to undertake this assessment if your proposal will be subject to any of the following: 
 Planning Permission
 Environmental Impact Assessment
 Strategic Environmental Assessment
 However, you will still need to summarise your findings in in the summary section of the form below.
 Please contact for advice.











Title of proposal

Review of Petition ‘For a maximum speed of 20mph on roads in south and west Harrogate to improve road safety’


Brief description of proposal

This report seeks to provide details of the review of a petition request for a maximum speed of 20mph to be introduced on roads in South and West Harrogate, to improve road safety. The report also seeks to make recommendations regarding measures to be implemented.


Environmental Services

Service area

Highways & Transportation

Lead officer

Heather Yendall (Improvement Manager)

Names and roles of other people involved in carrying out the impact assessment


Date impact assessment started



Options appraisal

Were any other options considered in trying to achieve the aim of this project? If so, please give brief details and explain why alternative options were not progressed.


Not applicable




What impact will this proposal have on council budgets? Will it be cost neutral, have increased cost or reduce costs?


Please explain briefly why this will be the result, detailing estimated savings or costs where this is possible.


Funding for road safety and improvements works is already considered as part the highways teams annual Capital programme.

The cost implications of the proposals set out in this report recommendation will therefore be met from existing budgets.







How will this proposal impact on the environment?

N.B. There may be short term negative impact and longer term positive impact. Please include all potential impacts over the lifetime of a project and provide an explanation.

Positive impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

No impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Negative impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Explain why will it have this effect and over what timescale?


Where possible/relevant please include:

·      Changes over and above business as usual

·      Evidence or measurement of effect

·      Figures for CO2e

·      Links to relevant documents

Explain how you plan to mitigate any negative impacts.


Explain how you plan to improve any positive outcomes as far as possible.

Minimise greenhouse gas emissions e.g. reducing emissions from travel, increasing energy efficiencies etc.


Emissions from travel




The imposition of speed limits will help support active travel and road safety. It is recommended that 20mphs are not introduced on the strategic, higher trafficked roads.

No negative impacts identified.

Improved engagement with the public to support the take-up of more active travel options and to continue with the delivery of other strategic transport projects in Harrogate Town Centre. Continue to support the schools with travel planning implementation.


Emissions from construction




There is likely to be no impact.



Emissions from running of buildings














Minimise waste: Reduce, reuse, recycle and compost e.g. reducing use of single use plastic







Reduce water consumption







Minimise pollution (including air, land, water, light and noise)





Over a longer time period by creating safer streets and supporting sustainable travel infrastructure in the immediate area will facilitate a modal shift of modes of transport.





Ensure resilience to the effects of climate change e.g. reducing flood risk, mitigating effects of drier, hotter summers







Enhance conservation and wildlife







Safeguard the distinctive characteristics, features and special qualities of North Yorkshire’s landscape






New signage will be required, but necessary policies will be adhered to ensuring locations are sympathetic to the area and only where legally required.


Other (please state below)













Are there any recognised good practice environmental standards in relation to this proposal? If so, please detail how this proposal meets those standards.

-       N/A



Summary Summarise the findings of your impact assessment, including impacts, the recommendation in relation to addressing impacts, including any legal advice, and next steps. This summary should be used as part of the report to the decision maker.



Officers are updating on proposal to introduce 20mph speed restriction on a number of residential areas, within the petition review area. These will contribute to road safety in the area and compliments a number of active travel measures in the area.


These recommendations are subject to formal consultation with stakeholders and formal traffic regulation order process will need to be carried out before implementation.





Sign off section


This climate change impact assessment was completed by:



Heather Yendall

Job title

Improvement Manager

Service area

Highways and Transportation


Environment Services



Completion date



Authorised by relevant Assistant Director (signature): Barrie Mason


Date: 16/05/24